Aaron Kelly's Blog

Tools I use daily

The following are everyday computing tools i use (or really want to believe I do) to maximise productivity, and get the most amount of enjoyment I can out of the system I’m using.

If you want the most accurate picture of what I’m using today - the easiest way to do that is to look at what packages I have installed in my Nix home-manager configuration: https://git.sr.ht/~aaronkelly/configfiles/tree/master/item/nixos/nixpkgs/home.nix

However, I created this post to talk about these tools in general, and hopefully it will be updated as I discover new tools to supplant existing ones, or revert back to a trusted tool after getting far too carried away on the hype train.

A lot of these tools have been found via a combination of:

Note: anything marked with ~ is in danger of being removed, as it’s not being used daily


~ cmus ~ moc

audio + video

I also have a love affair for these programs:

~ cmus ~ moc



Extensions/addons# Audio and video

[[uBlock Origin]]

Command-line tools

These tools in this list probably belong in their own sections:

Disk usage analysers

more Linux alternatives can be found here: https://www.how2shout.com/tools/best-disk-usage-analyzer-tools-for-linux-system.html

File managers

File transfer



Note taking

Obsidian - basically just markdown with wiki links

Operating systems

MX Linux, [[searching-for-my-container-os|FedoraCoreOS]], Alpine Linux and Windows 10.

System hardware information

web browsers

Windows (TODO: organise by category instead of OS)

See also

[[Tools i am trialling or want to try]]