Indexing tools don’t solve the problem of automatically sifting throught your source content and somehow creating a sensible structure for it… itexpects you to solve this, and then provide it with metadata. It’s strength is providing near-instant data search, but you do the prep.
So, if you do find yourself with lots of data in different formats, you have a bit of work to do.
Generally I’m not too concerned with sorting all of this. I created a folder for each filetype and then uploaded it to it’s own bucket on S3. Organising media is a future problem!
I wrote a quick [[Python]] script to JSONify all email-format text files in the current directory:
import json
import os
import sys
import re
directory_in_str = os.getcwd()
directory = os.fsencode(directory_in_str)
bigList = list()
id = 0
def convertFileToDict(filename, theFile):
global id
firstLine = theFile.readline()
# detect if the txt file is an exported email
if firstLine.startswith('Subject: '):
subjectLine = firstLine
fromLine = theFile.readline()
dateLine = theFile.readline()
toLine = theFile.readline()
payloadLines =
emailDict = {}
# mellisearch will infer a primary key for each
# item ONLY IF the attribute name has a case-insensitive
# name containing 'id' somewhere
emailDict['From']=fromLine[6:].replace('"', "").replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
emailDict['To']=toLine[4:].replace('"', "").replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
# bigDict['0']=emailDict
id += 1
#if id == 2:
# print(json.dumps(bigList))
# sys.exit()
for file in os.listdir(directory):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
# print('processing: ' + filename)
with open(filename) as theFile:
convertFileToDict(filename, theFile)
The script will print the JSON to the output, but that can be redirected to a file:
python3 > myEmails.json