Aaron Kelly's Blog

Static website hosting

You should basically be able to do it for free, or for pennies


I like static webpages. I also like not haing to manage the server it runs on.

Being able to serve content, or host a useful tool, and letting someone else worry about managing the servers, is pretty amazing.

One morning, I woke up early and started thinking about static website hosting, don’t ask me why. I remember seeing a tutorial somewhere that used AWS S3 buckets for hosting static website content, and public access was then granted to the bucket. Pretty cool!

I use S3 for simple website hosting, using only a minimal amount of HTLM5, CSS and JS. For something that needs more complicated integrations or a database, I’ll use another service.

How to get setup

Just follow their guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html

Soon you you have a bucket available to receive files, and serve them to the public.

I would recommend to setup a build pipeline that puts your files into the bucket with every new commit.

Advanced serverless static website hosting

There are already some great AWS docs on setting this up, so I don’t think I need to repeat them here. They have a great tutorial on the entire process, but I only completed this to the end of step 1, as I didn’t need to do any advanced implementation: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/projects/build-serverless-web-app-lambda-apigateway-s3-dynamodb-cognito/

In the future, maybe I will try:

Static website projects I’ve created on AWS

I have a bunch of other pet projects that I occasionally work on from time to time:

NVIDIA GeForce Now Supported Games List




Digital Ocean

They offer ‘App Platform’ for automated static and dynamic webapp hosting. See DigitalOcean notes

Github pages

Gitlab pages


See also

[[Static website generators]]