Aaron Kelly's Blog

The Prison Workout

There’s no need to go to the gym if you incorporate what you would normally do in a gym into your daily routine. Squat more, walk on your hands more, hold a plank position while looking for something. Ride a bike everywhere. If your daily life becomes a workout, there’s no need to hold onto that expensive membership.

So, I found this: https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/the-prisoner-workout/

And from that, I constructed the below:

Use the value of the card to determine how many reps you do. Aces are worth 14. Yes.

The suit of the card determines the workout:

Clubs: arms (biceps, triceps (pushups, bicep curls, kettlebell)) Spades: legs (glutes, quads, hamstrings (squats, lunges)) Diamonds: core (cardio (jumping jack, burpees)) Hearts: cardio (abs (situps, plank))


See also
