Aaron Kelly's Blog

Web development notes

Keep in mind

Zero-cost hosting

Building a web application

Guides that don’t drive me insane


https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs (see [[Heroku]])

this is old-school cute, should I start here?: https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp

somebody feels my pain: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&query=web%20development&sort=byPopularity&type=story

the dark side: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/build-modern-app-fargate-lambda-dynamodb-python/

primo - you can also skip the code, and use an all-in-one IDE, CMS, component library, and static site generator


Web development courses


https://fullstackopen.com/en/ - saw on 24374979



Source code playgrounds

Great starting point for comparison: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_online_source_code_playgrounds

i did a comparison fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/aaronkelly/Lemb5gfs/1/

from a HN post:

If you want to just write code in a box and have it run, maybe you should use http://sketchpad.cc/ or https://jsfiddle.net/. Or code.labstack.com, intervue.io, codepad, codiva.io, paiza.io, compilr, ideone, onlinegdb, repl.it, rextester, mycompiler, jsbin, sequential, or the other couple dozen alternatives in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_online_source_co.... Or ObservableHQ, which is fucking amazing. Or try.jupyter.org. Or just your browser's JavaScript console. Or ShaderToy, where you can program in GLSL. Or Philip Guo's http://PythonTutor.com/ which can step you through the execution of simple code step by step while visualizing the stack.


https://jsfiddle.net/ - great! http://codepen.io/ - also great! https://codepad.co - looks nice but crashing when I click new snippet hehe https://jsbin.com - slightly fugly

embeddable + runnable code

https://replit.com/ - pretty fantastic:

+ embeddable + runnable code
+ currently using this for blog code snippets
~ can also check-out a github repo and run code, although limited to a single "run" command. would be great if you could select-and-run github file
- share button is missing (May 01 2021), need to copy previous embed codes and paste my repl link inside

https://www.onlinegdb.com/ - nice looking, works!

https://paiza.io - a bit fugly but works!

https://codesandbox.io - javascript frameworks only, but very nice

https://stackblitz.com - javascript frameworks only, but very nice

embeddable, but non-runnable

https://ideone.com - nice https://tio.run - very swank

not embeddable, not runnable

https://rextester.com - nice http://sketchpad.cc - a good website for running processing (P5.js) snippets in the browser


some of these share buttons aren’t working (crypto-miners?)

https://glot.io - nice, but the share snippet buttons broken https://code.labstack.com - very fancy, but again, share button disabled/broken https://www.codiva.io - fugly way to create java classes


https://www.compilr.com/ - security warning https://www.mycompiler.io/ - didn’t load

HTTPRequest testing



https://observablehq.com - they use their own notebook language that’s similar to javascript - haven’t made great use of this yet


https://www.shadertoy.com/ - tool for creating and sharing shaders through WebGL, used for both learning and teaching 3D computer graphics in a web browser. Program in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

Wireframes / mockups



https://curl.trillworks.com/ - Convert curl syntax to Python, Ansible URI, MATLAB, Node.js, R, PHP, Strest, Go, Dart, JSON, Elixir, Rust

Free shells

https://labs.play-with-docker.com/ - an excellent free environment for running docker images and other shell commands. 4 hour lifetime


See IDEs


Comments (lightweight)


Design resources


See also

[[CORS - what is it]]


[[Finding the ultimate CSS style]]

[[Javascript notes]]

[[regex notes]]


[[Scraping websites for their plump JSONs]]

[[Software Development]]

[[VPS]] - virtual private servers to deploy to
